Lyons School District 103 Home

News and Announcements

Cyber Safety Seminar Featured Photo

Cyber Safety Seminar

Join us for a Cyber Safety Seminar on Tuesday, September 17, from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM at George Washington Middle School!
In-Person Registration Featured Photo

In-Person Registration

We're holding an In-Person Registration for the 2024-2025 school year at George Washington Middle School on Friday, July 12 between 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM.
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Featured Photo

Ronald McDonald Care Mobile

Ronald McDonald Care Mobile is coming Friday, July 12 from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM at George Washington Middle School.
Attendance Guide Featured Photo

Attendance Guide

Here is a quick guide from our school nurses to help decide if you should send your child to school in the case of a sickness.
Attendance Matter Featured Photo

Attendance Matter

Please click the link for an important message from the Superintendent concerning school attendance initiatives.
Winter Resource Fair Featured Photo

Winter Resource Fair

Free toys, hams, activities for children, and photos with Santa. December 22 from 4 PM - 6 PM at 4500 Prescott Ave, Lyons IL.
Lyons 103 Winter Camp Featured Photo

Lyons 103 Winter Camp

Camp begins Wednesday, December 27. Students can be registered at Lyons Village Hall.
School In Session 10/24 Featured Photo

School In Session 10/24

Reminder: There will be NO Teacher Institute Day on Tuesday, October 24. It will be a regular attendance day for students and teachers.
E-Learning Day 8/24/2023 Featured Photo

E-Learning Day 8/24/2023

We will be implementing an e-Learning day for Thursday, August 24, 2023 due to some unexpected Air Conditioning Units failing. Students will remain home tomorrow and either work remotely, or work on the assignments that were sent home with them today, or in the alternative, make up the work at a later date. Stay cool and we look forward to seeing you on Friday.

Upcoming Events

Spotlight! Image


Students new to the district can enroll using the New Student Online Enrollment link. Students returning for the 2024- 2025 school year will register using Skyward Family Access.  
Our six excellent schools, Costello, Edison, Home, Lincoln, Robinson, and George Washington Middle School, are staffed by dedicated personnel providing an excellent pre-k through 8th Grade education that nurtures the academic, social, physical, and emotional development of every student in a trusting, safe environment.